Highball Run 8 Terms and Conditions of Membership

1. Introduction

1.0.1 These terms and conditions govern your use of Highball Run 8 and its services, (hereinafter we, us, our, Highball, Highball Run 8) by using the Highball servers, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use our servers. Highball Run 8 maintains a level of realism and order, in order to retain such realism Highball has established these terms and conditions that members must abide by and agree to have use of our services. Highball Run 8 is not affiliated with any real world railroad and any and all information is strictly prohibited from being used real world railroad operations. Highball Run 8 or its administrators are not responsible for any damage to your computer equipment, software or hardware while using our services.

1.1 Indemnity 

1.1.1 By agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree to indemnify, and hold the Highball and its affiliates, and their respective agents, information providers and licensors harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, losses, costs, and expenses incurred by any Party in connection with any use or alleged use of the Highball network under your username and password by any person, whether authorized or not. 

2. User Registration 

2.0.1 To use Highball services, you must first register as a member of Highball at www.highballrun8.com. Only registered members in good standing may participate online in a server environment. By submitting an application, being accepted as a member and/or by logging onto theHighball network, a member agrees to be bound by the terms of this User Agreement, the Highball Run 8 Terms and Conditions of Membership.

2.1 Age Limit

2.1.1 All registrants of Highball Run 8 must be eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of registration.1 2 All members must furnish their true age and date of birth, if a member so chooses to falsify their true age and/or date of birth they will be banned permanently from use of all Highball run websites, programs, servers, forums, et al, and any and all of Highball’s subsidiaries. By using the Highball Run 8 services and by agreeing to these terms and conditions you warrant and represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age.

2.1.2 Members who are not less than sixteen (16) but not yet older than eighteen (18) and under sponsorship are governed by these same terms and conditions as outlined, however upon entering into a sponsorship agreement with the staff, said users' sponsors are held liable for the reciepients actions while at Highball. Any administrave action taken againsit a sponsored member may also be taken against said members sponsor.  

2.2 User Account Limits

2.2.1 All users are to register and hold only one (1) account. Any users found to have more than one account will be stricken from the membership and barred from access to Highball's assets. Users having issues with accounts shall contact the server administrators to resolve situation. 

2.3 Server Access

2.3.1 All users are required to log in to the Highball network with a password provided by the Staff at the time of registration. This password will remain at all times property of Highball and is not to be distributed under any circumstances. The Staff reserves the right to change the password at any time for any reason with out notifying the user. Highball reserves the right to revoke network access privileges at any time without notice or limitation. 

2.4 Inactive Accounts

2.4.1 Any user found to have an inactive, unconfirmed account; [defined by an unconfirmed email address] will be contacted via the user's registered email five (5) days after the date of registration. After the user is contacted they will have a five (5) day grace period to activate his or her account. If a users account is not activated within the five (5) day grace period the user will be stricken from the roster. 

2.5 Required Mailing List and Email Validity

2.5.1 At the time of registration all users are automatically assigned to the "Member Mailing List, this list is required for all members. Continuous subscription to the Member Mailing List by members of Highball is also required. This list is for announcement purposes only and will not be use for the posting of messages (except by authorized Highball volunteers) is prohibited.

2.5.2 It is required that users retain an active email address for the duration of their membership at Highball. Any user found to have inactive or false email will be contacted by staff and asked to provide an updated email address within 5 days, or face account removal. 

2.6 Required Language

2.6.1 At the time of registration, users must be able to communicate clearly in English through both written and verbal mediums. This policy is retroactive to the date of user registration.

3. Code of Conduct

3.1 Usage of Services

3.1.1 You are responsible for the communications you make while using the services provided by Highball which includes any one or all of the computers joined together which comprise the physical Highball network as well as any additional computers which are utilized in any way by Highball members for communicating via text or voice for purposes of engaging in simulated dispatching and/or train simulation purposes. This definition expressly includes the computers which host the official internet forums, newsgroups and mailing lists utilized by Highball. It is required that all users of Highball refrain and not engage in any of the following activities: The publishing, posting, distribution, use or dissemination of defamatory, infringing, obscene, vulgar, profane, unlawful or other such types of communications, materials or information; Such prohibited content includes but is not limited to pornographic material, material that is subject to copyright infringement, hate speech, or any other form of the aforementioned restrictions; The use of Highball's services to threaten, harass, abuse, intimidate, stalk or to otherwise violate the legal rights of others, including rights of privacy and publicity; The use of Highball services in any manner other than as an individual user. No individual or entity is permitted to resell or make any commercial or non-commercial use of Highball which involves the payment of money or goods to said individual or entity or such party’s designee without the prior written consent of the Highball Founders or their designated agent. The prohibitions set forth in this paragraph expressly include any and all sales and/or solicitations of money, goods and services no matter for what purpose, person, group or cause, without limitation. Statements made by any users in forums, conferences, mailing lists, and chats reflect only the views of their authors. Highball Run 8 does not endorse the accuracy of any such information, including, but not limited to, statement of opinion or advice, provided on or by means of the Highball Run 8 network. The information provided on Highball is for purposes of recreational train dispatching and train simulation only and under no circumstances is any such information received by the user of Highball to be used for real world dispatching or railroad operations.

3.2 Notice of Right To Remove Content and Services

3.2.1 Individuals found in violation of above section 3.1 are subject to removal from Highball. Upon agreeing to these terms and conditions your
right to free speech is waived. Highball Run 8 has the right to remove or refuse postings by members.

3.3 Positive Identity

3.3.1 It is required at the time of registration that each user provide their full first and last name this information is not publicly visible and is for administrative use only. '

3.3.2 It is required that you identify yourself by your registered username each time you log onto the Highball network so that online identification can be possible. Nicknames, initials, callsigns or abbreviations used in place of your registered username are not permitted, unless specified in paragraph 3.3.3. Failure to comply could lead to a suspension of your membership privileges and possible termination of your membership account.

3.3.3 Users who hold positions within the operational team may display the appropriate "[STAFF],[MOD],[TM]" next to their first name or username. Those who are dispatching may display a "[DS]" tag and corresponding desk number(s) after their username. 

3.4 General Code of Conduct

  • 3.4.1 Respect other players and be respected 
  • 3.4.2 No spawning trains or moving trains without dispatcher permission. If no dispatcher is on duty state intentions on TeamSpeak and ensure trackage is clear prior to spawning or moving as to avoid a collision.
  • 3.4.3 When "Cherry Picking" locomotives, you may only spawn 3 units a total of 3 times.
  • 3.4.4 No claiming locomotives or stretches of tracks to prevent players from using them.
  • 3.4.5 If a dispatcher is actively operating a dispatcher desk, do not manipulate switches and/or signals within that dispatchers territory. 
  • 3.4.6 Passing an absolute signal with a signal displaying stop without dispatcher authorization is prohibited.
  • 3.4.7 [Removed]
  • 3.4.8 [Removed]
  • 3.4.8 Flipping switches and/or dropping signals without proper permission or reason while a train is approaching is strictly prohibited.
  • 3.4.9 Hump Yard tags and settings are not to to be changed except by an administrator.
  • 3.4.10 On West coast routes calling signals is not required, unless during Amtrak Operations.*
  • 3.4.11 Obey all Speed limits (+/- 3 MPH)
  • 3.4.12 Do not leave mainline switches open
  • 3.4.13 Special trains (circus trains, OCS trains, unusual power configuration, etc. may be run only with administrator permission)
  • 3.4.14 Do not deviate from assigned local and yard power. If sufficient power is unavailable, appropriate power may be spawned in. 
  • 3.4.15 Long Hood Forward (LHF) engine lash-ups are to be used in rare circumstances or in local operations only. Please seek administrator permission prior to running LHF on a non local.*
  • 3.4.16 Running a track intended for traffic moving opposite your direction may be run ONLY with track warrant accompanying.
  • 3.4.17 If you need to leave with other players on the same trackage, you may step away and hold the main for 15 minutes. If the limit is reached, your train will be saved and deleted for you to resume at a later time.
  • 3.4.18 Basically, use common sense, if you think it'll disrupt the server. Please don't do it.(At least ask)
  • 3.4.19 No uploading payware or illicit software to the TeamSpeak file browser
  • 3.4.20 Heritage Units are to be spawned, in a prototypical manner. 
  • 3.4.21 Simulating Crossing, Pedestrian Strikes, or any other event that simulates loss of life is strictly prohibited and will result in an automatic 2 week suspension.
  • 3.4.22 If you are dispatching, and you need to step away please state intentions and log out of any dispatching software prior to leaving.
  • 3.4.23 Users are to dispatch no more than 3 desks without prior permission from staff. 
  • 3.4.24 Users may not perform more than one unlike job at a time. (Example acting as Barstow yard master and running a local.)

Applies to West Coast server only

3.5 Highball Run 8 Three Strike Policy
Each person utilizing Highball Run8 servers will be held to the three strike policy for violations of the aforementioned rules. 

  1. Strike 1: A series warnings will be issued and put on file with the Highball Staff up to 3 warnings may be issued.
  2. Strike 2: Two week suspension from Highball's multiplayer community.
  3. Strike 3: Permanent ban from Highball's multiplayer community. 

If Highball Run 8 members choose to neglect the following rules are subject to account termination and shall be henceforth prohibited from participating in any Highball run websites, programs, servers, forums, et al, and any and all of Highball’s subsidiaries. 

Staff reserve the right to use discretion when utilizing the 3 strike program and may deviate as necessary.

3.6 Appeal Process

Members wishing to appeal administrative action by staff may do so though the membership helpdesk on the Highball website. Appeals are requested by filling out all the fields within the appeal request form. Individuals seeking appeals must complete the process on their own accord, other individuals may not act, represent, or advocate on their behalf. Individuals requesting appeal may be contacted by staff to provide further information. A requested appeal does not guarantee that the appeal will be granted. During the appeals process the staff will review the appeal along with the petitioner’s background within Highball prior to making a decision. Individuals will be notified by staff regarding the outcome of their request. 

4. Use of Media

4.0.1 All screen shots, images, pictures, videos or other media is subject to removal by the Highball Run 8 administration. All images and screen shots must not take up more then the width of the forum on a standard monitor. All images larger than the specified size must be posted in the forum via an attachment. All forum posts with over sized pictures are subject to editing by the Highball forum management. This is limited to the removal of media. It is the posters responsibility to re upload all over-sized media in the correct manner. The Highball Run 8 forums are subject to enforcement as per the Highball Run 8 terms and conditions set forth by the Highball Run 8 administration. Highball Run 8 reserves the right to use any content posted on the forum for advertisement purposes unless otherwise requested on an individual basis by a member.

5. TeamSpeak

5.0.1 All Highball Run 8 members in good standing are entitled for use of the Highball Run 8 TeamSpeak(s) for communication and coordination purposes only. Highball Run 8 is in no way affiliated with TeamSpeak Systems GmbH or any of its subsidies or affiliates.
When on TeamSpeak Highball Run 8 members are to use specific name formats which are for uniformity and organizational purposes, all users are asked to comply with this request. Highball Run 8’s TeamSpeak rules of conduct are as follows are strictly enforced at all times.

  1. Teamspeak Usage Requirement
    1. Teamspeak is required at all times while operating in the Highball Run 8 server environment unless otherwise specified in paragraph 2. Members are required to be in a position in which they can receive transmission at all times while operating on the server.  
    2. Teamspeak usage is required for all users regardless of native language. 
    3. When operating as a dispatcher, all dispatchers are required to operate in the TeamSpeak voice communication environment.
      1. Dispatchers are required to assign themselves the "DS" server group as well as any relevant dispatcher desk numbers server groups. Dispatchers operating all desks are to use the "All Desks" server group. 
  2. Teamspeak Rules 
    1. Profanity must be kept to a minimum.
    2. The discussion of pirated or torrented software is prohibited.
    3. Advertisement of other organizations, multiplayer groups, multiplayer servers, or TeamSpeak Servers without the express written permission of the Highball administration is strictly prohibited; due possible conflicts of interest.
    4. Respect and be respected.
    5. No "kick/ban" wars. If this is seen you will be banned for 24 hours
    6. No repeated logging in and out of server
    7. No flooding the server. IP bans will issued for this offense
    8. When operating in a room that is moderated keep all unnecessary communications to a minimum.
    9. The crew room is the place to be semiprofessional, however this is not an opportunity to break the rules.
    10. All TeamSpeak avatars must be appropriate for Highball Run 8 and may be removed at the discretion of the administrators.
    11. Any other inappropriate behavior not described herein, per the discretion of the administrators WILL result in disciplinary action. Any violation of the aforementioned rules will be handled in accourdance with the “Three Strike Policy” 

6. Right to Refuse Service

6.0.1 The Highball Run 8 Staff reserve the right to terminate a members account and/or network access, at any time for any reason, and is not obligated to give explanation for such actions.

7. Amendments

7.0.1 The Highball Run 8 administration will update these terms and conditions as necessary; we will do our best to keep you informed of such amendments. It is wise to check these terms and conditions regularly for amendments and by using the Highball Run 8 website agree to such amendments. Highball Run 8 will post when the date at which the amendments were made. Highball Run 8 will keep all content listed in the terms and conditions all information that has been changed will be denoted below.

3-16-24 Amendments

§2.6.1 - Added Language to require all users to be able to commuicate in English at the time of registration. 

§5.0.1 a.2 - Cleaned up language to reflect that All users are required to use TeamSpeak for voice communication regardless of native language.

3-15-24 Amendments

§5.0.1 a.2 - All users are required to use TeamSpeak for voice communication
§5.0.1 a.3 - Users who are dispatching must be able to communicate via voice while dispatching

4-13-24 Amendments

§2.1.1 Adjusted minimum age for new members from 16 to 18
2 Users who have registered prior to 4-13-24 23:59 will be grandfathered in and subject previous rule
§2.1.2 Added language regarding sponsored members and potential administrative action taken against them and their sponsor. 

12-18-22 Amendments

§3.5 Moved "Three strike policy" language from teamspeak section §5.0.1c to code of conduct section §3.5.
§3.6 Added appeal process language

5-22-21 Amendments
§3.3.1 Added requirements for users to provide their full first and last names when registering.
§3.3.2 Cleaned up language, added reference to §3.3.3
§3.3.3 Added exceptions for section §3.3.2
§ Added Language
§ Added Language
§6.0.1 Cleaned up 

4-10-21 Amendments

§2.4.1 Cleaned up language, reduced days from 10 days to 5 days for staff to send an email to confirm an account. 

12-5-20 Amendments

§ 3.4 General Rules of Conduct
3.4.6 Reworded to reference absolute signals instead of all signals not displaying "G" or "P" plates
3.4.7 Removed rule governing passing signals with "G" or "P" plates
3.4.8 Removed rule governing passing signals without "G" or "P" plates
3.4.10 Reworded rule regarding calling signals on the BNSF and UP railroads
3.4.23 Added rule to limit people dispatching all desks without prior permission from staff
3.4.24 Added rule to prevent people from operating like jobs

9-11-20 Amendments

§ 2.1 Age Limit
2.1.1 Changed age limit from 13 to 16

1 Users who have registered prior to 9-11-20 23:59 will be grandfathered in and subject previous rule

5-12-20 Amendments

§ 3.4. General Rules of Conduct

3.4.13 & 3.4.14  Clarified language regarding usage of foreign power and/or deleting power on local and yard jobs. 

4-10-20 Amendments

§ 2.5 Required Email List and Email Validity 
2.5.1 Added language discussing mandatory mailing list

2.5.2 Added language discussing email address validity 

12-18-19 Amendments

§5.0.1 Teamspeak
5.0.1 a.3 Dispatcher Usage

5.0.1 a.3.1 Server Group assignment

7-14-19 Amendments 

§ 3.4 General Rules of Conduct
3.4.21 Simulated Loss of Life Events

§ 5.0.1 a.1,2 TeamSpeak Usage Requirement
§ 5.0.1 c.2 Removed item 2 "One day suspension"
§ 5.0.1 c.3 Replaced 1 week suspension with 2 week suspension

Highball Run 8 Terms and Conditions Amended 18 December 2022